finally!!! the teething fairy (while i'm sure she is making visits) was not the cause of the past few days nonstop fussiness. cranky daughter woke up yesterday morning with a fever. we go again. a brief synopsis of the past month--fever started, went to the ped. clinic on a sunday (after hours fees) to be sent home and told "it's viral," fast forward 18 days--back at the ped clinic (fever again) to be sent home and told "it's viral but i'll give you antibiotics if it'll make you feel better" (it did by the way), 10 days later--back at the ped clinic b/c of croup (after hours again b/c our ped clinic sucks...long story), and here we are yesterday (4 days after the croup) with another fever. so we made an appointment with the legendary dr. nichols (who we've never seen but have heard that she's great at diagnosing but not so much of a bed side manner person). i LOVE HER!! she's WONDERFUL!! i don't know who decided she didn't have a bedside manner either. i thought she was quite funny!! she's just really dry and sarcastic. she wanted to know if anyone had bothered to draw blood (NO!!!) so she did that, had chest xrays, said she had an ear infection. it really SUCKED to have to sit at the hospital all day but at least she got the job done!! she called this morning to check on her (very impressed with that) and wants to see her back on friday. she gave her a shot of rocephin (strong antibiotic) and put her on augmentin for the next 10 days (another strong antibiotic). i pray that this is the end of whatever this stupid illness is!!!
so drawing blood from a baby...not so much fun!! i couldn't watch...or help hold her down. i sat down and just bawled and listened to her scream!! it hurt my feelings a lot!! it hurt my feelings pretty bad to see her just sit around yesterday and not move, not smile, nothing!
anyway...maybe my posts will get happier! i hate being grumpy.
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