anyone want to make me feel better?
long boring post that you shouldn't feel obligated to read but i need to vent:
1) i finally made all the decisions about little bit's bday party--location, menu, time, etc. i sent out invitations on saturday via email b/c i'm too cheap and lazy to get the ones i really wanted and actually mail them out. several people have responded. however, my dad, stepmom, and dad's parents looked at the invitation and didn't bother to rsvp. it does hurt my feelings a little that they wouldn't automatically plan to be there. however, maybe the next story explains that a little bit
2) my dad and stepmom used to live in the same town i do. several months ago (way before this school year started; actually, before the last school year ended) they moved to another town about 30 minutes away. my step sisters still live in my town so instead of taking my 7 year old little sister out of school here, they decided to use my step sister's address. last week my little sister's school called me wanting me to bring her a pair of shoes b/c she broke her sandals. many things wrong with that--*i don't know what size she wears, *i didn't know i was an emergency contact (not that i mind but i just didn't know), *they live 30 minutes away from me. so i told the lady that i would have to drive 30 minutes in order to get her a pair of shoes. i don't think i told her that they lived 30 minutes away but if i did, i refuse to feel bad about it b/c THEY are the ones breaking the rules and it shouldn't be MY responsibility to lie for them. anyway, long story a little shorter--my sister is being pulled out of school and put into the correct school district and the word is that the school found out b/c "something about her shoe breaking." great...i'm sure everyone loves me right now. i have also called my step mom 2x in the last week and she hasn't bothered to call me back (something she always does when she checks caller id)
3) my boss is the worst boss that ever did live. he made me cry a lot today (which i hate to do in front of people but can't help it to save my life), he's changed my schedule (which makes me cry even more), he told me that i was a "grown woman" and basically to stop crying, and i now have to work the weekend of my daughter's birthday. i hate my job. good thing i made all those decisions and sent that invitation out saturday (she says sarcastically). maybe this is a sign not to have a birthday party. after all, it is just going to involve 30 people in the tiniest house ever and most of them are ex families (ex in-laws, ex husbands, ex...lots of stuff) and my daugther doesn't like but 2 of them anyway.
4) my daughter is cranky. she's felt a little warm today but no fever has registered on the thermometer. she is DEFINITELY teething. she's spit up twice in the last 2 days (not a usual thing for her anymore) and she had the absolute worst diaper ever on saturday night. maybe she has a virus.
anyone have anything to make me feel better? a valium maybe? i couldn't even take that, though, b/c we've had 2 people get fired recently for failing drug tests and therefore my other boss says "we are going to be tee teeing in cups a lot more often." great...
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