Some rambling thoughts
**He's mine!! That's right--I got one :) a TMX Elmo doll!! and I did NOT pay eBay prices. I ran across a website with insider info and found out that most Target stores would have a shipment in this morning b/c their toy ad broke w/ him in it. I still haven't seen the ad, but Elmo was in fact at our Target. He's red, fuzzy, and giggling :) They told us yesterday that they would be getting 53 of them in. They got 12. Either the employees went wild getting the rest or they were cut big time! *sigh* It has been a long week of fighting for this fella and I'm glad it is over. My toy searcher is on hold until the PS3s come out. Then, don't expect me to blog til I find 2 of those.
**Little Bit is getting her signs confused. We tried to take her off of a bottle this week, and I think that is what caused it. I think she thinks that "milk" means bottle. So now she just does "water" for everything since she hasn't been getting a bottle. EVERY-THING. I have given her 2 bottles today, though, and her signs have been pretty much normal again. Go figure. B and I have decided to call her bottle a "6oz canoe in a polka dot." That way if we talk about getting her one when we get home but don't have one then, she's none the wiser.
**B goes back to work tomorrow. Sadness.
**The girl who used to be my best friend in high school has a little sister who is 11 and evidentally got to watch Flava of Love with her substitute teacher the other day. The 5 girls in her family are not necessarily sheltered; however, they sure don't know about "humping" at 11 and that's what one of the other little girls told her they were doing on the show. The substitute then told them to be quiet b/c she hadn't seen this episode. According to Jo, she saw "women in bikinis being spanked by a man wearing a big clock, a man who was naked except the little blurry thing, and a man and woman humping." Her mom went to the school and the sub was put on one year's probation. What a slap on the wrist! This was the school I attended...I will NEVER move back there and put my child into that school system...never. I will eat ramen noodles if I have to, but I don't want her at that school.
**Christmas shopping was started this weekend. I bought 3 gifts. At least it is a start.
Hey Ashley, Glad you got your Elmo, what a challenge you had. I will think Justice has a word down then he ends up saying that word for more than the object it is. Fun stuff. Hope you got my email. Take care.
This reminds me of the days when Kristen was little and Cabbage Patch dolls were new - I never got into the frenzy, because I couldn't afford one at the time, but people were lining up at midnight for Target or K Mart to open and practically killing each other off to get one. Fun times!
That is so maddening! You know they calculate this every year with a different year. I remember when it was those awful talking monsters that made me crazy. It's sad that people will go to that length. Of course, in the "old" days, there wasn't such a thing as E-Bay. But it was just as nuts.
I'm glad you get to leave your daughter with her grandma. I hadn't picked up on that! Have you been able to go back to work and enjoy it?
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