La Bella Vista

I am a recent college graduate but have chosen to primarily be a stay at home mom for now. I do work part time but thankfully my wonderful husband is able to keep my beautiful Little Bit. I have 2 cats whom I love VERY much!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's been awhile!

I haven't posted in God knows how long so I thought I'd update my 2 readers on life.

*First (and probably the biggest/most important news) I'm pregnant. 13 1/2 weeks to be exact. It is going by SOOOOOO fast! I feel like I just found out (although I knew before I was even 4 weeks along). We have heard the heartbeat and had 2 ultrasounds b/c I've been bleeding but everything is going well. I first felt the baby at about 10 weeks and am now feeling him/her pretty regularly. Any suggestions for names? We are totally at a loss. I think all the goods ones have been used. We are due in May so I guess we have time to figure it out but I don't feel connected to this child at ALL and I think a name would help.

*2nd-Little Bit is growing at an amazingly fast rate! I can't keep up. She is forming sentences--very short--3 words but sentences none the less. Her first was "See Mommy's car" and her 2nd was "Cat open door" b/c my cat was trying to open the laundry room door.

*3rd--We won our apartment complex's pumpkin carving contest. I was happy. We got a gift certificate to our local mall and got almost all of Little Bit's Christmas presents. We have 2 things left to get. Yea!

*4th--I have decided I'm useless at my job. B doesn't think so but I totally do! I do all the crap no one else wants to. There are now 3 of us marketing girls which I really don't mind but I don't have any definition to what I do. I just do whatever comes along (make copies, sort out coupons, and run Family Fun Night which they will be changing in Jan. and I won't be able to do it anymore). I have cried a lot about it and had to remind myself a THOUSAND times that I'm just pregnant and crazy but I'm not really buying it. I did really well until last week. I haven't cried through this WHOLE pregnancy until last week and I cried like 4 times.

I called them after I successfully bleached a BRAND new pair of maternity pants and the lady was a real jerk! She said "well, it contains bleach" (like I was ignorant). I responded with "my bottle doesn't say that" and she replied with "well, it says it contains hydrogen peroxide...that's a bleach agent." HELLO????? Do they realize that not everyone knows that?? Why do they not print that on the bottle??? It is now my goal to inform EVERYONE I KNOW that it WILL bleach your clothes! I yelled at the lady on the phone. It was my first breakdown of my pregnancy and resulted in my first set of tears. I told her I was a marketing major in a PR job and I would ensure that I spread this to everyone I know. She didn't care.


At 11/05/2007 9:10 AM, Blogger Kristen said...

Wow! Congratulations! That's great news!

I'm having a hard time coming up with names for my twin girls that are due at the end of February. You're welcome to come look at the list that people have come up with on my blog if you'd like and see if that helps. ;-)

Thanks for the news about OxiClean. I haven't used it before but I do have a bottle of it sitting at home and I'm pretty sure I can see myself making that same exact mistake; so this is good to know!

At 11/11/2007 12:02 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Congratulations again on that great news! I am excited for you! May seems far, but it will be fast, I am sure of it! So neat that you are already feeling her. (yes, I guess a girl)

Congrats on the pumpkin and the spree! What a blessing!

I hope you get over the job thing soon. I know that can feel discouraging. Ugh, I hate work.

At 1/08/2008 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the baby! Missed your posts.

Little bit is growing so well, and love that she can talk in sentences now!


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