why will people not comment...
sometimes i wonder why so many people visit my site but don't comment. i don't think every visit constitutes a comment, nor does every post. but have you looked at my comments lately? it's sad...what's even sadder is that i average 15 visits per day (yes, that's sad in itself) and i only get (maybe) 2 comments. what's funny is that almost everyone knows about th13 so my visits go WAY up on thursday. all of this comes from site meter. i just wish i knew who everyone was :) then i'd haunt your blogs with questions as to why you incessantly visit my site and never comment!! i know you're here tuskegee and notasulga!!!! honestly, this post will probably make people never visit my site again but i love comments...they're what keep me blogging. what's the point in doing this publicly if no one shares in my posts. not everytime...really, just once a week maybe.
onto other things...i will now (not getting paid for it) plug Febreze Noticeables. They are a God send! NO DOUBT! my daugther's poop has gotten more and more smelly so her diaper holder thing has gotten more and more smelly. however, i no longer smell the bad smelly b/c the good smelly hides it! that's right! totally hides it! i recommend the "morning walk and cleansing rain" scent...oh it's wonderful!
--must clean now
Well, I just found your blog when you commented on mine so I'm not a guilty party! LOL! I promise, that if I visit (which I will), I will comment. That bugs me, too! :-)
For what it's worth, in the direct response world, 2% response is considered a success. You're getting about 15% So that's outstanding!
I gotta try those!
I think I am my biggest fan on my blog... I visit it like 30 times a day, so if I had stats, they would be totally screwed up. I should just check my hotmail for comment notifications, but I think it's quicker to go to my site. COMMENTS ARE THE BEST!
bergeralan http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534439 http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534440 http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534441 http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534443 http://jguru.com/guru/viewbio.jsp?EID=1534445
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