what a weekend!! Little Bit has been a major challenge!! Attachment issues are one thing...just plain screaming at everyone but Mommy--totally different! B's little cousin's graduation party was last night. I'd say there were 40ish people there but it isn't a very big house so we were all kinda crammed in together. I just basically felt like I was in the way the whole time. We only stayed an hour and a half and we were doing good to make it that long! B's sister came and grabbed Little bit as SOON as we pulled up and ran off with her and by the time we made it to the door, she was crying. Then his mom wanted to see her and she started crying again and from that point on, everyone that looked at her made her cry (except Super Mommy of course). My heart says "I love you too, my precious angel." My mind says "please please please let someone else hold you b/c my arm is breaking and everyone is going to think I sit at home with pictures and coach you in screaming at these people." Finally I went into the living room (there was no one in there) and she was a totally different baby. She was smiley and happy but then B's sister came in there and got in her face again and it just got her worked up. I know she wants Little Bit to love her and I'm sure eventually she will but geez! She gets in her face and makes this WOOOOOO noise and I don't think Little Bit really likes people all in her space. Finally, I said "that's it...let's go" and of course then she stops crying. Well, then B's mom grabs her and she freaks out again. It really is a no-win situation. I know they mean well but I wish people would just leave her alone once I get her quieted down. B's dad did the best thing. He got her at one point and just tried to get her out of my sight and entertain her with something else. That meant a lot to me that he just tried. B's mom just kept saying "well, my own grandbaby won't even come to me!" I bet I heard that 20 times but ya know, if she'd just come see her occassionally maybe she would go to her! She works at a nursery and one of her little ones was at the party and when she got there she grabbed her and said "well, my grandbaby won't come see me but I know you will." Maybe her grandbaby don't want to go see her b/c when her grandbaby was born, she said about 50 times that her grandbaby was "no fun" and that her kids and nursery were "more fun." I wouldn't want to go see her either. OH! and why do people insist on calling kids with 2 names by just one? ok, to be fair...if I don't know you that well, I might expect it, but when you're a grandparent? You know your grandchild's name (or maybe that's another reason your grandbaby doesn't want to go to you). Let's just say Little Bit's name really is Little Bit...for the last 3 or 4 times we've seen B's family (mom and sister anyway) they have just called her Little. we SPECIFICALLY spelled her name as all one word so people wouldn't do that. Too bad we thought about that so hard. We could've saved that effort for other things! OK...i'm going to try not to write about B's family on here anymore. I really have to learn to let these things go. I hate that I feel this way and I know I need to let it go. It is sin for me to harbor these feelings. Onto something else...
Sunday school this morning: I left Little Bit in the nursery. I told them to come and get me by 10:15 if she hadn't stopped crying (it was about 9:30ish). at 10:45 is said "woohoo! she must be ok." i proceeded to the nursery to feed her and take her into worship service with us and heard her screaming before i got near the room!! I mean SCREAMING! The director of the nursery stopped me before I got to the room and said "are you just checking on her or are you getting her?" I was getting her but I don't like that I was asked that either b/c they don't want you checking on them if they're upset b/c it makes them worse but doggoneit (how redneck am I) if i want to check on my child and then leave her, it's my perogative. I pushed her out! Anyway, they claimed that she hadn't been screaming the whole time but a good friend of mine was teaching a 4 yr. old sunday school and heard her (a good ways away) and said they had tried everything to get her quiet. I was a little agitated to say the least. I don't mind her crying a little. It's normal for babies to cry some but not that kind of screaming--inconsolable and snubbing (that noise everyone makes when they've been crying really hard for a long time). She had even started to break out in hives from it. I wish they'd just do what I ask. I'm her mother, I know what I want for my child. They kept saying "well, she's not hurting...she's fine." Yes, I know she's not hurting physically but geez! she's been crying for over an hour! I understand they are just trying not to interrupt us but I would've stayed for sunday school...she just would've joined us. *sigh* I love Sunday school. I don't want to not go.
Goodness, sounds like my inlaws! Nana use to always pout that her great grandkids just didn't like her. And not a one of them called any of my kids but the right name for almost 2 years. It grated on my nerves like you would not believe; but then I just started telling myself that it didn't matter so much what they wanted to call the kids because we only see them every so often & surely I can survive the weekend.
As for the Sunday school thing; I think they should respect your wishes. However, when I work in our childcare department, we are instructed to by the lady in charge to only let the kids cry for 20 mins. If we can't get them to stop, to call her. At the most, I think the kids cry for 30 before we page the parents. I don't know how often you attend, we're not always good to go every Sunday, which caused our youngest to have issues. The more we go; the easier it was to drop him off. I hope Little Bit starts to enjoy her play time, I know it will certainly help you to enjoy your bible study class.
Justice never does well in big gatherings where folks just come and get him right away. He has to see me right in front of him to be okay. I wish people would realize babies have this separation anxiety and to sit a little with you before they whisk your child away, never a good thing. I know that was a stressful event.
As for suggestions on the SS issues, I am not sure what you have tried, but is there a specific person that you could sit with for a little while and let AnaGrace get comfortable with and then leave while she is distracted with a toy or send her with a bottle. Does she swing at all, could you may be put her in the swing there, talk to her a few min. and leave. Don't know what else. It just has to get better. Good luck and keep us posted!
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