La Bella Vista

I am a recent college graduate but have chosen to primarily be a stay at home mom for now. I do work part time but thankfully my wonderful husband is able to keep my beautiful Little Bit. I have 2 cats whom I love VERY much!

Monday, May 15, 2006

i'm being supermom today!!

thus far i have--gone to walmart where i intended to grocery shop but ran into a friend and talked for 30 minutes and decided since i need to keep little bit on her schedule for today (since we're having pictures tonight) i'd just take my cat food and oj and go home, taken a pregnancy test (i am EXTREMELY emotional right now. i literally BURST into tears twice yesterday and i have never done that except when i was pregnant) but thankfully it was negative, fought the brigade of ants that has no doubt decided to carry my house off with them, paid my bills (the little stupid ones i always forget about--like dr. bills), vacuumed, washed 2 loads of clothes, sorted out little bit's outgrown clothes, finished loading the dishwasher, and read a few blogs. i feel accomplished and it isn't even 3pm. however, i have probably been running off of a sugar high since the only thing i've eaten today are my mother's day brownies :) who has time to cook??

how was everyone's mother's day? mine was ok (refer to the bursting into tears mentioned above). i'll leave it at that.

we had a storm come through on saturday night that scared the BE JEEZ US out of me!! literally. my mom called and said bad weather was near but the radar showed it going north of us and we were under no watch so i figured we'd be safe in our little shoebox. i was wrong. i had just finished nursing little bit to put her to bed and decided i didn't want her in her room b/c it was windy (there's a big tree right next to her) so b had set up the pack-n-play but the walk to the living room stimulated her so i was sitting on the couch getting her to go back to sleep and it got really really really really windy and started hailing. b was in the bedroom so i said "b (husband's actual name though)...b..." he basically started running through the house and was like "get up now and get to the utility room." well, i grabbed his hand and started praying and then ran to the utility room and called my mom and got her to pray (it is still raining/hailing/winding, etc) and then it was like it was all gone and over with. the power blinked once or twice but no big deal. the underpinning on our house looks like someone started at one end and just shoved it to the other end. scary scary scary!! my neighbors have a fireplace and their stack thing blew off of their house. i am scared of storms anyway but when my husband gets scared i REALLY freak out b/c he NEVER gets scared!! there's my weekend drama.

we went to dinner with my in-laws on saturday before the storm. my husband's sister *jane (name changed) was a real doll (not really). she burped in my child's face. not a little polite "oops that slipped out" but a man burp. in her face. she was already screaming b/c jane was aggravating her and she doesn't really like that so maybe jane thought burping would solve the problem. she was wrong. and nasty. i love my in-laws (not really).

supermom has more to do.


At 5/15/2006 7:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, you should definitely take it easy tomorrow for all you got done today. I was on a rampage in April with cleaning and May I am back to where I was, get what I can get done, but let the rest go. Did you do anything for Mother's Day special? By the way, adorable picture of AnaGrace, she is so photogenic! Have a blessed day!

At 5/16/2006 4:21 AM, Blogger Chaotic Mom said...

HAHAHAHAHA! This is in regards to you being thankful the test was negative. I remember trying to get pregnant for YEARS and spending a fortune on pregnancy tests, PRAYING I was pregnant. And in recent years spending a fortune on those tests PRAYING I wasn't pregnant. Like praying would change the results, you know????? ;)

My Mother's Day was okay. I'm not real hip on holidays, especially ones that put so much pressure on Hubby and kids to "do something special". Every day is Mother's Day. It's nice to get the recognition on a special day, I guess.


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