Sleepy time...
evidentally babies sleep like this. i had no idea. there is a picture of me like this when i was a child and this i guess confirms that other kids do it too (look at the may 2nd post). speaking of this blog this kid is STRONG!! look through some of these pictures. my little bit's feet are a bit "unique" so she can't lift herself up yet (not by herself anyway) but this kid is only 4 days older than mine and WOW! i'm impressed! maybe a little einstein there.
not much to write about today. little bit is becoming more and more temperamental by the day. today she was trying to grab my keys out of my hand as i was putting her in the car and when i took my hand away (with my keys in it) she screamed so loud that i thought i had hurt her. when i put my hand back (with the keys), she stopped. she's so silly. she also (on saturday night) got upset with me b/c i told her no. i've been wondering when she'd realize that this isn't a funny word. she likes to pull the pad in her high chair around her face when she's eating and she ends up with food on it and her and me and everything else so i've gotten to where i stop her and tell her no. she didn't like it. she protested...loudly...and wouldn't eat anymore. i have a tendency to lose my appetite if i get upset about something so i guess she gets it honestly.
What an adorable picture! Wow, just checking out that blog-that is amazing that he is doing that at a little over 6 mos., man! Strong kid! AnaGrace is a very determined little girl, she will grow up to be very persistent and be a go getter!
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