La Bella Vista

I am a recent college graduate but have chosen to primarily be a stay at home mom for now. I do work part time but thankfully my wonderful husband is able to keep my beautiful Little Bit. I have 2 cats whom I love VERY much!

Monday, June 05, 2006

please comment if you read this one

sometimes i feel (as a pretty much new first time mom) that i should give advice to expecting mothers (i have actually found that this is my new calling in life and also now understand every other woman's reasoning for giving such advice). does anyone else feel this way??? i also know that they will TOTALLY not understand the magnitude of these comments until after they get back with that beautiful new bundle of joy. i know i didn't (but maybe they're smarter than me). so here's some of my advice (although not NEARLY all of it)
first of all--sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep--NOW--a LOT...relish in the fact that you can take naps...long naps...whenever you want...and you can sleep late...again i say, SLEEP!!!!! also, take baths...enjoy your baths. make sure they are LONG LUXURIOUS baths! you'll miss it if you're a bath person. and don't dwell on other people's stories about their birth experiences. i had the best birth ever!! i was induced (yes, it threw me into labor fast but i wouldn't have it any other way) and was done in 10 1/2 hours. it was great! yes, there was pain; no, it wasn't unbearable and not NEARLY as bad as everyone else made it out to be. honestly, you just forget about the pain. within 2 weeks you won't remember anything except how nice it was to be waited on hand and foot in the hospital (if that is where you're going anyway). i would be checking into the hospital NOW to have a baby if i could! i would love 2 days of doing nothing! i would also suggest sending the baby to the nursery at night if you have that option. don't feel like a bad mom! you're not...actually, you're a great mom b/c you're resting up for being more able to take care of the little one when you get home. and my last and most important piece of advice: accept help from EVERYBODY who offers it to you!!! don't turn anyone down for anything (even if they want to fold your underwear and you think you might be humiliated--you won't'll just be thankful)!

i have a lot more advice but i'm more interested in hearing everyone else's. PLEASE COMMENT AND LEAVE ANY ADVICE YOU HAVE...JUST FOR MY CURIOSITY!

p/s yes, my child once was a hobo...


At 6/05/2006 8:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yep, I have lots of words of wisdom to share. My Sister-In-law is having her first, and unfortunately she won't listen to it. I know she will find out on her own, but I could spare her anxiety, frustration, and fear if she would. I agree with the hospital stuff. I tried not to let others birth experiences scare me, and really it wasn't as bad as I thought. I wish I could have slept more at the end of my pregnancy, but I just couldn't! I had sciatica, numbness, and I just couldn't sleep unfortunately. I would add that babies are very resilient and that you and they survive. Go with your gut feeling and don't always listen to everything everyone else says, even the doctor. Good post, cute pics!

At 6/05/2006 9:20 PM, Blogger Gina said...

I like this post. I like your advice too. The sleep thing, yes, people don't understand that advice until the baby comes (or maybe week 2 or 3 after having a baby). But I did soak it up... up until the day I gave birth. I was so grateful I could sleep well my entire pregnancy. Sleep and I were BEST BUDS for 27 years. I sure miss it. I got a small visitation on Christmas day... 2 WHOLE HOURS!

Now, the hospital... I was there 4 days. I liked being taken care of and the easy bed to nurse in, but I never let Liam out of my site unless I absolutely HAD to. I am sure the nurses thought I was crazy to sleep with my newborn, but I.Was.Lovin.It.

Ashley, thank you so much for your comment tonight. That was really great of you! It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks Liam is remarkable (well other than the hubby and grandparents).


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