Tomorrow is going to be cold. We will hit our high of 47 at about 3am and temps will continue to fall throughout the day. Ok, really, I'm just whining. Compared to the rest of the U.S. we have really warm weather year 'round. Today, for example, it was 74. 74 in January!! I secretly want it to get a little cold here. Just for a few weeks. Just enough for me to get tired of it...and just enough snow to take a few pictures of my sweet little girl.
Speaking of my sweet little girl...she isn't wanting to go to sleep at night. Any suggestions? She will just scream and cry for no apparent reason. I don't know how to help her. I know they go through some separation anxiety around this age but it is just so weird. The last few days have been absolute heaven with her except at night (and a little bit yesterday afternoon where she screamed to the point of throwing up...twice). She patty cakes all the time, she tells everyone "bye" (not a baby "bye-bye" but a grown-up "bye"), she repeats everything I say to her (although she can't get hardly any of the letters right--just the syllables...that makes it cuter though), she "says" please (signs it or says "heeeese") for almost everything b/c I won't give her anything if she doesn't say it (the demanding has gotten old)...she is just the cutest thing ever...except at night. I know she'll get over it. I just feel bad torturing her and making her cry when I know something is obviously bothering her.
P/S have I mentioned how much I love my new camera???? (and my roomba too)
Well, like I've said to several people, I'll pack up some of my snow and send it your way. This week we've been lucky to hit a high above 10 degrees.
Wish I could help with the sleeping thing, but my two and a half year old has just now figured out how to sleep through the night. I am definitely not the authority on that!!
Looks like you're enjoying your new camera. I need to get me one of those.
Hi! i found you at Mrs. Chicky's comments!
Anyway, when Leah has a problem going to bed BEFORE she goes down I will hold her for a few minutes and talk to her to calm her down a bit. Then I take her in and if she cries for a little bit I just let her because 99% of the time when she's upset about going down and crying it's because she's OVER tired. Maybe yours is overtired?
The second Kristen has a good point. Try putting her to bed 30 minutes earlier and see what happens.
I understand though... I have had an angel baby (by day) since he was born. At night, though, I want to give him away... going on 15 months now.
Love the photos! She is so darling!
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