i'm so tired...
i haven't been sleeping good lately (well, i haven't been going to sleep until really late) and of course, little bit doesn't typically sleep past 7:30am anymore :( it is a sad time of no sleep!! i tried to take a nap yesterday afternoon and just couldn't sleep good. so, i tried again today...my fat lazy normally sleeping-all-day-cat wouldn't leave me alone! he walked on me, marched on me, sniffed my face, meowed at me, you name it, he did it! he was probably shocked that i was sleeping in the middle of the day. i normally can't slow myself down enough to sit down, much less lay down.
some recent little bit-isms--she now calls things "boo boos." i say things b/c i'm not exactly sure what she's calling a boo boo. i really don't like that phrase and had asked my mom to call scratches owies or something other than boo boo but she didn't...so now if little bit sees a scratch of some sort, she calls it a boo boo. however, if she also sees our legs, she calls them boo boos too :) that originated from my mom having surgery on her leg and telling little bit that it was a boo boo. she is infatuated with birds (buwds). she watches them outside all of the time and taking her to petco is like baby valium. she is instantly happy! i showed her the freckle she has on her wrist a few weeks ago, so now she is infatuated by it. she talks about it a lot :) and will show it to you when asked. she has also started be more proactive in getting people to play with her. if she wants to sing "if you're happy and you know it" she starts to clap and says "bapa" (don't know why), if she wants to pattycake, she claps your hands together, and if she wants to sing "head and shoulders, knees and toes" she grabs her head (and attempts her shoulders). she has such a personality!! she is definitely head-strong! i hope our next one can keep up with her (whenever that time comes). she has also started singing...and dancing along to her singing. she has danced for a long time now but the singing--that's new :) she really likes the backyardigans theme song so whenever they come on, i pick her up and we dance. however, the last few days, if i haven't picked her up (and she hasn't run to me to be picked up), she has just danced by herself. she spins in circles a lot for that song b/c we do that when we dance together. the singing is all together one of the cutest things ever! we can tell when she's singing the backyardigans (that is hard to type and may be spelled wrong) b/c of the inflection in her voice. her voice gets really loud and really high pitched :) she will also sing Jesus loves me but it just consists of a little swaying and "jeesee jeesee jeesee." whatever works! we were at a pretty nice italian restaurant about a week or 2 ago and she started singing the backyardigans...at the top of her lungs...and it was quiet (but crowded).