La Bella Vista

I am a recent college graduate but have chosen to primarily be a stay at home mom for now. I do work part time but thankfully my wonderful husband is able to keep my beautiful Little Bit. I have 2 cats whom I love VERY much!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

thanks to everyone who visited my home. i should've credited Boo Mama but i forgot. i apologize for that but it was all her idea! and a great one it was!

i have to pat myself on the back just a little
b and i wanted to go out of town this week. nothing extravagant really b/c we're a little short on change but just a small getaway. so we decided to go to atlanta. i booked through Hotwire and got a GREAT deal! we're staying at a 3.5 star hotel in downtown and paid $73 per night. it is an AWESOME hotel too! i checked on their website and it would've been a minimum of $159 if we'd have booked through them. i love hotwire! there is a catch though--you can't find out the name or address of the hotel until AFTER you book it and it is nonrefundable. they tell you the vicinity (and it isn't a large range of an area), the amenities, and the star rating and you just have to trust them. it is SO worth it though. we've used them 4 times before and have never had a complaint. as a matter of fact, the few times i haven't used them i've been VERY disappointed with my selections!

wer're going to do a time share thing on our next vacation. we're buying it through ebay travel. they have great deals! have you ever done a timshare? it kinda sucks b/c of the presentation but i can handle a 90 minute presentation for a little bit of nothing and a great vacation!

i wanted to pat my back about something else too but i don't remember what now...should've written it down.

i haven't heard back from the job thing but i'm still hoping it happens. b is on vaca this week and i'm so excited about that! our anniversary is thursday. if i get this new job i'll have to work but that's why we're going out of town on another day this week. we're also going to the world of cocacola. ever been? it is really really neat. b has never been and it has been a LONG time since i have so i'm excited about that too.

little bit cried for 2 hours off and on last night starting at about 1am. i have NO clue what's wrong. no teeth poking up, no fever, just fussy. her 9 month checkup is on monday though so maybe if she has an ear infection we can get that taken care of! speaking of that--she's 9 months old today!! happy bday little bit! we love you :)

Friday, July 28, 2006

yea! i remembered!

hey everyone and welcome to my house. it isn't anything spectacular and will hopefully be sold one day soon but for now, it is home and i'm thankful that God has provided a roof over my head!

we'll start with the front door. it is plain white but i love the screen! one of my favorite things is to open the front door, back door, and all the windows and let the fresh air in.

next where the blogging happens--this is my desk in our bedroom. i spend about 90% of my free time right here (and when i say that, i mean about 30 minutes a day). it has all my essentials: computer, roller ball mouse which is the best mouse EVER, camera dock, phone, speakers, and printer...oh, and see the little flower pot looking thing right behind my computer--that is a confession of my love of pens. it is CRAMMED full of pens and that is not even a drop in the bucket!!

next--my kitchen. honestly, i don't spend much time in here. the majority of it is to feed little bit or scrapbook (see my box on the table). i like to BAKE not to cook. mostly i just throw some chicken in the oven and bake some french fries. the refrigerator used to be COVERED in pictures and things but when we thought we had the house sold, we cleaned it off and packed it up. it is kinda bare now. the only things on there are the essentials.

onto the next room--my living room. we spend almost all of our time in here. it is the room of fellowship and fun. i know on the left side of the picture you can see a few toys but that (again) isn't even a drop in the bucket!! we have a GAJILLION toys. i'm not sure how we got so many either b/c b and i rarely buy anything. most of it is given to her as hand-me-downs. the recliner doesn't belong in this room. it is actually supposed to be in my husband's office but when i had surgery i couldn't sleep in the bed so we moved it in the living room. it hasn't gotten moved back (see my last post for details as to WHY it hasn't been back there. hint--boxes). the pack-n-play is out b/c we use it as a shield to keep little bit out from under the coffee table.

and finally my room of coice--little bit's bedroom. i'm so proud of this room. i painted it blue and green before i got pregnant (i just KNEW i'd have a boy--ha!) but i thought it was kinda bare so i decided to paint a mural on the wall. b left to go somewhere for the day and i got bored so...well, you can see what emerged. so since i painted a jungle on the wall, we were stuck with jungle animals for her theme. no pink or purple or butterflies...nope--monkeys and giraffes :) can you see the cloud looking things on the wall? i got paranoid that my neighbors were watching me nurse so i decided to buy that window art stuff.

so that's my house. hope you enjoyed my i said, nothing special but it is home and a roof over my head...praise the Lord for that! have a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

still got the bloggy tour of homes thing 1st but keep reading

i don't know how to keep this post on top until a certain date so i'm just going to keep reposting it until the date. skip down a little for my updates.

i hope people want to participate in this b/c i think it is so neat!! i'm nosy and like to see the insides of peoples' houses and how they're decorated so i'm excited. anyway GET THE DETAILS HERE and start taking your pictures! there's still a week left to clean :)


watch me forget to do that. i already have my pictures taken and everything but sure as the world i won't remember. this post is going to consist of many pictures b/c i have many new ones to share.

1st of all--our friends from maryland were in town until yesterday. we got to see them 4 times (which is a MAJOR record b/c normally it is 1 time for a very short amount of time). we went and saw "cars" on friday night (which was great by the way). and the other times just visited with them. b really misses brad. we also found out that there is an 80% chance brad will have to go overseas in january for 6 months (he's in the military). i think that has b a little worried but i'm sure brad will be fine. i hate it for mandy and mackenzie (their new baby). so anyway speaking of mackenzie here's a picture:

2nd of all--i don't do the tackle it tuesday thing BUT here's a great one (even though it is wednesday). so if i haven't updated you on the house here goes--the people were trying to finance WAY too much money (b/c they didn't want to pay closing or downpayment) and so they couldn't get financing. stinks really but i know it is God's way of protecting us. i'm just holding on b/c i know when it is time, He will make it worth the wait! anyway so we had a room (b's office) FULL of boxes where we had packed stuff up. most of it we didn't really need anyway so we decided to rent a storage shed (which i found a GREAT deal on-- they had a 2 for 1 special--two 5x10 sheds for $31/month) so we started moving boxes. oh and we've also used our guest bathtub as storage forever b/c we never use the guest bathroom. here are the before pictures:

and here are the after pictures (yes b keeps his bike inside...i swear he is like a girl with her diamonds when it comes to that bike):

it took 2 days and a lot of sweat and tears (literally) but we got it done!! now we just have a pile of stuff in the hall to take to goodwill and we will officially be finished.

little bit is doing great. she has the sniffles (really just a runny nose) but the only time it bothers her is when i have to wipe it or suck it. she does NOT like that. she used to laugh when i'd suck her nose out but i guess she wised up a bit. i let her feed herself yesterday for the 1st time (with a bit of guidance from me). here is the picture of that:

i've been making my own baby food. i'd say it is going pretty good. little bit doesn't like it as much as gerber but she'll eat it (slowly) and i figure she'll eventually get used to it. i'm still using some gerber (like prunes and apples and chicken and anything to take on the go with us) but when we're at home i'm trying to just use the homemade stuff. it is really easy to do and saving us a good bit of money!!

i have a semi job interview today. i don't know if it is actually an interview or if my interview was over the phone monday but i'm going up there to see how things are done today. i still don't want to go full time b/c of little bit but i've been planning to start working more at the hospital soon b/c my mom's quitting her job and will be able to keep little bit for me. anyway my friend sara just got a new job at a drug store nearby and called monday saying they were looking for parttime help as a technician (which i'm already registered for b/c that's what i do at the hospital). it will be a totally different environment b/c i've never done retail pharmacy but it pays more and that makes me happy. i'd basically work 2 days a week for 10 hours a day and 2 saturdays a month for 4 hours (between 20 and 25 hours a week). it would be a steady income b/c i'd have a set schedule (which would be nice b/c i love making my own schedule at the hospital but i never go to work) and we could definitely use the money. we'll just save some and put the rest toward the house to bring the principle down further. it'll be hard at 1st but i guess i'll adjust to being away from little bit 2 days a week. it will also be hard working 10 hour days but i can do it! they don't get lunch breaks either. i'm a little concerned b/c i'll have to pump 2x a day but i'm just going to be up front and honest from the get go and if she wants me, she'll offer me the job and if not, no harm no foul.

if you hung in there through this whole post, i'm impressed. it is LONG i know!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Bloggy Tour of Homes

i don't know how to keep this post on top until a certain date so i'm just going to keep reposting it until the date. skip down a little for my updates.

i hope people want to participate in this b/c i think it is so neat!! i'm nosy and like to see the insides of peoples' houses and how they're decorated so i'm excited. anyway GET THE DETAILS HERE and start taking your pictures! there's still a week left to clean :)


i finally finally finally am starting to feel some semblance of order to my house. for the last...well, i know 8 1/2 months i have felt as though my house was utterly trashed. i could spend all day cleaning and still feel as though it was just a mess. i think the reason is b/c every single nook and cranny was full. all of our drawers/doors/shelves were bursting with STUFF. nothing special, nothing in particular, just STUFF. but no more people!! to make a really long story short (b/c it's late) i'm pretty sure our deal with the house fell through. HOWEVER, it is such a blessing to me that it even was a possibility b/c we got so much STUFF packed up and now we have 2 storage sheds up the road that we can put all the STUFF in. i can open any drawer or door in my house and feel like i can breathe (with the exception of our pantry b/c i had to do some rearranging and make little bit a tupperware cabinet so now my 2 food cabinets are kinda cramped--hard to explain). i'm excited! now i feel like my bills will get paid, my house will stay clean, laundry will stay done and i can BREATHE! i know b thinks i'm crazy but i have honestly felt like i was suffocating here lately. no more though!!!!

as for 2 storage sheds--yea for good deals. we got 2 for the price of 1 for 12 months. tickled pink.

also, little bit update--she still has attachment issues with everyone except my mom and stepdad and me and b and occasionally my best friend sara. i thought maybe she was getting better but she proved me wrong tonight with b's parents. it was bad. not as bad as it has been in the past but bad enough.

much more to write but i'm too tired.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

i know i always ask you to comment but i'd really love it if you did this one!!

i got this off of Gina's website. it is like mad libs. just copy and paste in the comments section, fill in the blanks, and then post the blank one in your journal (if you'd like). thanks in advance! i'm excited to hear what everyone has to say :)

Dear Ashley,
I _____ you. You have a nice ___. You make me ____. You should_____. Someday I will ___. You + me = _____. If I saw you now I'd ______. I would build a ____ just for you. If I could sing you any song it would be _____. We could ______ under the stars.
Love, _______
(P.S. ______.)

Monday, July 17, 2006

just some stuff...

some of you have probably already seen this but it is really beautiful if you haven't!

this weekend was pretty busy. little bit has been a tiny bit grumpy. she's been acting really sleepy a lot and just generally fussy. i didn't feel so hot on friday so maybe she picked up whatever it was that i had and it is just taking her a little longer to get over it (literally, mine was about 6 hours and now i just have a little bit of a runny nose). she typically loves the pool but she didn't seem to have a whole lot of fun in it yesterday. as a matter of fact she wasn't even in it 10 minutes. i think maybe sunscreen got in her eyes though so i'm sure that didn't help. she has also been getting up at about 7am and that is too early for her (and me). if she gets up before about 7:30, you can forget it! she'll be an ill pill all day long! so this morning she got up at 7am, banged around for awhile, fell back asleep and i think b woke her up on his way to work at 8:15am. i was thinking she'd be in a good mood since she had gone back to sleep but here it is 10am and she's already napping b/c she's so grumpy. i just don't understand. no teeth seem to be coming through.

she is also normally REALLY excited when someone comes to get her up in the morning or from her nap and she won't even smile about that. it is sad really b/c i love her smiles...

on saturday she was pleasant. we got up and went to my mom's around 8:30. we went swimming and b got his hair cut (we have to drive a half an hour for him to get his haircut b/c he's so picky and if you've seen a picture of him, you know he doesn't even have all that much left--silly boy) and then at noon, i nursed little bit and me and b left for the day! we had a wedding to go to that night and instead of having to bring little bit back to my mom or her come get her, we decided to just go ahead and leave her. she stayed with them until about 9pm and i have to say, it was nice! we had all afternoon to just hang out and get ready and then went to the wedding and really enjoyed it! little bit was great for them all day. it makes me happy that she can go with them now and not scream all day. she was even pretty good in sunday school yesterday. they said she didn't scream the whole time (just half of it) and when i picked her up she wasn't red eyed, splotchy, or snubbing. yea for progress!!

i cleaned my house last night. not like i really want to but i at least got everything pretty babyproofed and the floors vacuumed and mopped. it has been on my list but i'm lazy. we just have "stuff" everywhere.

this is a picture of little bit and lee (a friend of her and justice) who (for some reason) really wants to chew on little bit. he gets all excited when she gets close by and tries to chew on her. maybe he is just giving kisses. which brings me to the question--do you think babies can sense when other babies are male or female?

here is a picture of little bit and justice. i hate that i missed the best part of this but i couldn't get my camera on fast enough. they were crawling side by side going after the rug. it was so cute but by the time i got my camera on, justice was stopping.

little bit has learned to eat finger foods--well, fruit puffs anyway--without choking and throwing up. yea again for progress!! she was also feeding herself last night which she hasn't been able to do. my little girl is growing up.

we have friends down from maryland this week. i'm excited to get to see them! they have a little girl who is 10 weeks old and i can't wait to see her. it's b's best friend from high school and his wife. b is over the top happy that they're here and i think he is just ITCHING for them to call and want to hang out (they are actually here staying with one of their parents). he never checks the caller id (most of the time doesn't even know where the phone is) and when we got home yesterday that is the first thing he did. he has also been periodically checking his cell phone.
it's cute :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

thus far

today has not been a good day. i fully expect for it to get better though! it is all about what you make it, right?

so we haven't heard from bridget and john (the people buying our house) since last thursday when they just "HAD to go out of town" and were going to TRY to drop the paperwork off for the park (come to find out they just HAD to go deep sea fishing...again). however, i have my own sources and don't need them to tell me what's going on. here's the low down: i talked with charlotte (the lady who owns our park) and she said bridget and agnes (john's mom who's the cosigner) cleared the credit check and john just needed to give her names/numbers for 3 credit references for him. no big deal except she hasn't heard back from them (this was monday). i was a little bit encouraged, though, that they had dropped the stuff off. so today, i decided to call their loan officer (ken) and ask when the estimated close date is (actually, i just wanted him to volunteer info on what's going on at the moment). so i call this morning and he says "well, i've been trying to get in touch with agnes and was just about to call her back b/c their loan didn't go through." i was like "WHAT??? THEY WERE PREAPPROVED!" i honestly didn't yell but oh i wanted to! i just asked him how they were preapproved if it didn't go through. evidentally they are preapproved for a loan BUT they are trying to finance 5k more than the house is worth and they can't do that. SOOOOOOO...he said he's going to try and go through another lender. he called me back a few minutes later and said he got in touch with agnes and she said she could come up with a little of the down payment (the reason they have to finance so much is to finance that into the loan) so he's going to try and run it through with her contributing to the cause. i cried. not really hard or anything but as i was praying for the Lord to just handle this and His will be done (not mine), i did cry. i haven't even called b and told him. his boss is in town today and i don't want him to be in a bad mood or have a bad day. i guess at this point we can just thank God that we haven't signed a contract on a house yet. what irks me so bad is that we have tried and tried to get bridget and john to handle their business so that we would have time to find a place after all their loan and stuff came back approved and i think they just assumed that everything would be just fine and didn't bother to think about the fact that this may not work out. i hate people being selfish!!!

onto other things--i think little bit can say "cat" or some variation of it ("ca" mostly). it is funny how it took her FOREVER to say a consonant and in the past week i've heard her say more different sounds than she ever has. she gets really excited when my kitties are around though and says "ca" a lot. i have been saying "cat...can you say cat? ca ca ca cat?" for ages now and i guess she's picking it up. either that or i'm wishful thinking. i told b about it and i think he was skeptical and then he heard her do it and his jaw dropped :)

i got my nails done yesterday--deluxe pedicure (complete with the exfoliator, clay stuff, and hot towels) and a full set on my hands. we have a wedding to go to saturday and i wanted to look semi nice. i've had gift certificates since my bday in march and mother's day and thank God for them b/c that would've broken the bank! the sad thing is that now i want to go back everday and have my toes done and i can't afford it!! my nails are really cute though :) my friend sara actually came over to scrapbook with me yesterday and forgot her pictures (silly girl) and b got off work early so we just left little bit with him. she's been pretty grumpy lately too so i'm glad i got out for awhile. i thought that within a few weeks of starting "sleep training" babies are supposed to learn to put themselves back to sleep...ha! we're around week 6ish and she STILL wakes up crying in the middle of the night! i haven't gotten up with her in AGES but after she cries for 10 minutes, i can't go back to sleep for 30.

so that's my week in a nutshell. oh does anyone scrapbook? b/c if so, let me share my savings with you--tuesday i went with sara and her mom "shopping" (meaning i had $20 to eat on and buy whatever i wanted all day) and we got great deals! at michael's they have cardstock on sale for $1.99 per pack of 50 sheets (it is $7 at target) and at ac moore they have 12x12 sheets for $0.20 (they are $1.49 at the local scrapbook store). so i got everything i needed and ate lunch for $20!! yea for deals!

i hope everyone's day is going better than mine! but just keep in mind, that my day is about to get so good that it may blow yours out of the water :) i hope

Wednesday, July 12, 2006



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

this picture is lee, little bit and justice at their playdate last friday. they mostly just played along side each other. no eye poking or hair pulling this time!

i really have no reason to update b/c things are the absolute same for us--we still don't have a house and those people buying ours still haven't applied with the park. i did get smart yesterday, however, and called their loan officer b/c i knew he'd be meeting with them at 3pm yesterday afternoon. sneaky you say?? well, SOMEBODY has to handle their business if they aren't going to!!! i feel like they are taking for granted that if they got a loan, then they'll automatically be cleared through the park--nope! and i've told that girl that but NOOOOOOOOO she won't listen!! anyway, i talked to their loan officer and he said that they HAVE to be cleared with our park before he can run the loan. he asked if they were really strict out here and i said yes, they have to have blah blah credit score and clear a background check and he wanted to know if the guy's mom's (the cosigner's) credit would suffice but THAT i don't know...which is why they NEED to apply already!!! so he said he would push them to do that without letting them know that i called...thank you Lord! at least we should have some answers by week's end. i just don't understand people! i mean, i procrastinate on a lot of things and of course, i'm not perfect but when i'm holding up other people, i try to get a move on! grrr...

we had another sunday school social last night. i'll post 2 pictures--1 is the house it was at which is also known as "the reason we are uncomfortable in sunday school."

there are 2 of us (couples) that don't have immaculate houses and in some cases, you can definitely tell who we are! some of them are very cliquey and don't really talk to you if you don't have money. what a sunday school class huh? but the teacher's really good and we have made several friends so...we take the good with the bad. anyway the 2nd picture is a testament to how big our sunday school class is--there were 25ish kids running around!

that's TOO many to have in a pool. we probably have about 25 couples in our class. really, that picture looks like a community pool :) this was also right after ice cream time so there are still a few kids on the sidelines finishing their ice cream. i did think the idea was great though--every family had to pay $5 for pizza and drinks and then bring one item to put on top of ice cream (chocolate, oreos, reeses, sprinkles, fruit, etc) and then we made our own ice cream sundaes. little bit got hit in the face with one of those splash ball things. b was changing her diaper and one just came flying out of the air and smacked her right square in the face. she freaked out! he REALLY freaked out! he wouldn't even let her sit on the ground anymore without him sitting between her and the pool. he's such a good daddy and definitely protective of her!

Friday, July 07, 2006

thanks for your prayers!

just fyi: God is still in the business of answering prayers! everything is fine with my lymph nodes! thank the Lord! and the one in my face is getting smaller (i think i said that already). i have to go back in 6 weeks just so he can "feel my neck" again :) i feel so much better!

a few good posts i've read recently (thanks to metrodad and mom-101)

this is how i feel everyday

i dread this day but this is SO funny! let me know what you think!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

it's a sad day

(just one more pic of little bit standing) they closed on the house yesterday. they tried to back out at 3pm but the lady told them she wasn't willing to postpone it so they pushed it through by 4pm. i was very upbeat about it when i called her but the further into the night it went, the sadder i got. i try not to let things like this bother me b/c i know how brian takes this stuff to heart but this one hit me where it hurt. i just KNEW that was the house that was meant for me. evidentally i was wrong. there's a reason though, i know it, and God has something so much better planned. but i would LOVE TO KNOW how when i ask how long closing will take, i'm told 2 weeks but this lady (as of last thursday) didn't even have financing!!! she closed in 3 business days...LITERALLY! i can't help but feel like we were jipped. enough of that.

onto happier things:
--i am pleased to annouce that little bit can now say at least one consanant: "b" as in "bababababababa" and i love it! we got off the phone with the people about the house and we were sad (driving home) and heard her in the backseat. it was God's way of making us feel better!
--if you like boneless buffalo wings from applebees, chile's,'s a recipe for you (a bit healthier too b/c it's not fried)
you will need:
enough chicken to feed your family
flour (i use whole wheat but it doesn't matter what kind)
hot sauce (i used moore's buffalo wing sauce last night and it is the best thus far. i have only found it at bruno's)

cut your chicken into bite size pieces. in a (large) separate bowl, beat 2 eggs (you may need more depending on the amount of chicken you do) with a fork. in another bowl pour the flour. put the chicken in the bowl with the egg and coat it really well. then place it in the flour and lightly coat it. put it in a 9x13 dish and bake it at around 350 until it's done (15-20 minutes ish). using a corning ware dish (or other stove top safe dish) pour the chicken into it and coat with hot sauce. let it simmer for about 5-10 minutes and enjoy!

a great dish to go with it: baked french fries:
slice up enough potatoes for your family. place them in a bowl and put enough water in it to cover the potatoes. let them sit for 10 minutes. drain the water off and pour 1-2 Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil on them. stir them around to coat them well. place them on a baking sheet (i cover the baking sheet in parchment paper but you could also use greased aluminum foil or just grease the pan really well), sprinkle seasoning salt on them to taste and bake for about 20 minutes on 350 (you can flip them at 10 minutes if you wish to). the parchment paper helps keep them from sticking and/or burning to the pan so i would recommend it. or if your lazy (as we all are at times) just buy some frozen french fries, put them on a cookie sheet, and throw them in the oven! still great!

so in about 30 minutes, you can have a meal for your family that isn't fried or too terribly bad for you!

a few little side notes: if you don't have egg, buttermilk will also work but don't just use water b/c the flour will just fall off the chicken when you put the wing sauce on it. also, we've tried texas pete buffalo style chicken wing barbecue sauce and it is HOT AS FIRE!!! it made my tastebuds hurt the next day...way too hot!!! and also hot chix original buffalo wing sauce and for us, it is too peppery. we get the "medium" of the moore's (cuz that's all there was) and it was the perfect heat!

please please please let me know if you try it! i'd love to know what you think!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i'm back!

so many things to post (pictures mostly). well, first things first--my surgery went well. i am a little sore of course but it is getting better. i will probably find out something on friday at my follow up appointment. thanks for the prayers!

the people buying our house are SUPPOSED to be applying with the park tomorrow and meeting with us to sign a contract after that. now my prayer is that they get approved through the park. we'll find out about the house that we want today. they are supposed to close on it but i know if it is God's will, things will work out for us. i'm not stressed about it b/c i also know if it isn't God's will, that means there's something better out there.

the 4th was good...just busy b/c we have so much family to visit. we went and saw a fireworks show last night but i really wasn't too impressed with it. we are used to going to the lake and seeing a BIG fireworks show so seeing this one just wasn't the same. little bit didn't mind them at all though. she was fussy b/c it was after 9pm (her bedtime) but she just stared at the fireworks.

speaking of little bit--she stood up by herself on saturday morning. i don't mean pulled herself up either...she was standing on her feet and hands and then just stood up. she lasted about 4 seconds and fell on her bottom. b and i were SO excited! she thinks she needs to do it all the time now. i'll post a picture of that b/c of course i have one. she also got her 2nd tooth in yesterday--finally!! i have been waiting for this one to come in for 3 weeks now. her first showed up one day and came in that night but this one has just creeped up.

go to for all of your digital photograph needs! i ordered some prints from them about 2 weeks ago. i got them last week and they are AWESOME! i don't know if you guys ever upload to but when you get the prints they are kind of fuzzy. the pics i got from photoworks weren't fuzzy at ALL and they had fixed all the red eye without me even asking them too. i was very impressed! and you can get 25 free prints when you sign up (you still have to pay shipping but it was only $2.90). when you pay for the prints and shipping it ends up being a little more than walmart (i thought it was less but i was wrong) but to me, the photo-crazy mom, it is SO worth it! actually if you order 1000 prints, it is only $.09 so that would be cheaper but who would order 1000 pictures at a time??

pictures i'm posting:
i have no idea what order they are in but one is of little bit yesterday in front of the flag, one is of her smiling because she was playing with her pack of diapers, one is of her standing herself up, and one is of her with her heinie in the air :) she does that pose a lot for some reason. it is actually how she learned to sit herself up (by folding her leg underneath her and pushing).