i'm all nostalgic tonight. i don't really know why. i've been on myspace looking up old classmates from high school and on facebook looking up college classmates and i really miss...well, everyone. even those i wasn't so fond of.
what i'd really like to know is when did we grow up? everyone is married and everyone has kids and i still feel like i should be playing 3 ninjas with my best friend from childhood and breaking the glass out of her curio cabinet. that was just yesterday (ish). instead i'm worried about my child who has been running a fever for 2 or 3 days and how am i going to pay for weight watchers classes b/c darn it--i'm going!! i will not let the fat take me over! i just don't feel like we should be thinking up baby names and posting our wedding pictures (not necessarily in that order). i found out (via myspace) that another one of my high school friends is having a baby and was shocked. why was i shocked though? i have a baby...why can't everyone else?
little bit has picked up several new tricks this past week (despite her mystery fever)--she can now say "uh-oh" although it comes out "uh-uh" and she can shake her head no. what's really funny is when she puts something in her mouth that isn't s'posed to be there. all i have to say is "*little bit..." and she starts shaking her head no :) so cute! God love the cute little thing!
and yes, i really am doing weight watchers. i went tonight for the 1st time. i need accountability. i need someone to tell me to get off my lazy butt and walk around the block (although i have been doing really really good with that the last 2 weeks). i need someone to weigh me every week and say--"you did it!" and give me a big hug (well, they won't do that but i'm sure b will). i need some guidelines b/c Heaven knows i'll eat everything in sight otherwise! i'm pretty motivated about it right now so i'm excited. i officially start tomorrow (and yes, i had my celebratory last dinner--chicken fingers, homemade french fries, and chocolate chip cookies). i only need to lose about 25-30lbs (i say "only" like that will be an easy thing--ha!) but i really just don't want to gain weight now that i'm barely nursing. fyi: dropping from 4 nursings/day to 3 will REALLY cut down on the calorie burn due to milk production. trust me and all my wobbly bits!
a new picture from my photo edits for you to contemplate:
and go to labellapictures.blogspot.com for more! and if you see some that look normal (no edits), i put them there so people could see the originals.