I'm from sandboxes, piers, corks (not bobbers), fishing poles, popsicles in plastic wrappers that mom had to cut the top off of, hand-me down clothes, from Pop Tarts, Pop Rocks, and Coca Cola in bottles. I am from a small house that was actually a trailer (I had no idea until about 6 years ago), with a carport, from the smell of grass being cut, lakewater (dead fish), and wet sand from my sandbox that I could never remember to keep the lid on. I am from the lake, from jetskis, kneeboarding, and attempting to ski (what a disaster), from being the only kid on the street for many years, people moving next door, and then being related to my next door neighbors (2 sisters and a brother), from japanese maples, buttercups, rows of muskedine vines, the snakes Dad shot while they were swimming in the water, little baby frogs that lived in the leaves next to our fence and the big magnolia tree outside the house. I am from the rabbits and quails my dad used to raise and then serve me (while telling me I was eating chicken). I am from barefoot walks down an older road (not asphalt but that stuff with rocks sticking up out of it) and playing softball by the streetlight late at night. I am from opening Mom and Dad's gifts on Christmas Eve and then getting up in the middle of the night to open Santa's presents, from my blue eyes from my dad, my mouth from my mom, and my hair...we're not sure. I am from my stepdad who I got my relentless attitude toward people being polite and not disrespectful, my stepmom who watched me many many times when my dad was working, my childhood best friend skye who always had to be right, from my cat Alf, my dog Cuddles, and my bird Sunshine (who could say "pretty girl"). I am from "hindsight is 20/20" and "lick your calf over," from "i love you," "God," and "never scream while you're swimming in the lake." I am from Christianity, from the United Methodist Church as a child and a Baptist church as a teenager. I am from being saved in Sunday school as a child and thankful for that! I am from Sunday night dinners, Wednesday night youth group, musicals, traveling to other churches to perform, and getting hugs from everyone in our church. I am from the south, with collard greens, fried chicken, corn bread, blackeyed peas, chocolate pie, and sweet tea. I am from southern drawls, redneck trucks, cowtipping and mudriding (I don't participate but SOOOO many people here do). I am from summer...3 seasons out of the year, summer bugs, summer rain, summer storms, summer fun. I am from fishing, from my mom setting her pole down, turning to get something and the pole being snatched off of the pier. I am from Disney World when my mom and dad took me. I was 4 and we went to Venice Beach first and picked up shark's teeth and then to Disney World and Sea World. I am from Gatlinburg, staying in a chalet on the top of one of the mountains and my stepdad letting me ride with my mom up the skylift b/c I was scared. I am from telling my stepdad that MY seat was the front seat and he could sit in the back. I am from denting my mom's car playing softball with my stepdad and having fire drills so I wouldn't be scared to sleep in my bedroom on the 2nd floor of the house. I am from July Fest and getting my face painted and from the Ice Cream socials at the volunteer fire department. I am from Bonnie and Clyde (literally--I'm related), England and my lost great great (a million times more) relative, and Ireland. I am from having a job at 15 and working for most things I wanted but having everything I needed, from cleaning my room (all the time), doing dishes, laundry, and cleaning the pool. I am from my husband who has been my faithful companion in marriage for 3 1/2 years and dating 2 1/2 years before that. I am from my grandmother who loved me more than I'll ever know and who "thought the sun rose and set" on me and from being told that at her funeral. I am from her buying me Hardee's hamburgers, having dinner ready for me when I got off the bus, her asking me if I had "got my lessons up," and then her letting me watch what I wanted on TV. I am from my family and how much they mean to me. I am from love. Forever love. Strong and Real love.