La Bella Vista

I am a recent college graduate but have chosen to primarily be a stay at home mom for now. I do work part time but thankfully my wonderful husband is able to keep my beautiful Little Bit. I have 2 cats whom I love VERY much!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Little Bit pulled herself up yesterday! yea! i'm so impressed.she was sitting in my lap and a toy was on her walker that i guess she decided she needed. so she just reached up and pulled herself on up. then, to make sure it wasn't a fluke, we had to get her to do it about 5 more times! she is also trying to learn the whole crawling thing. she has no problem getting what she wants but she can't quite get the crawling thing down. she's trying really hard though. give her a month or's amazing to see her change so quickly!
she was officially 7 months old yesterday and i think she may have decided to have a sense of humor. up until recently the absolute ONLY way to get her to laugh was to pinch the inside of her thigh and sometimes that didn't even work. now peek-a-boo is working or if you give her a new toy or say "boo" or "duty" (i don't know why). it is so cute!!
i'm sad she's growing up so fast!!!!!!!! but so excited to see where she's going next :)
quick post...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thirteen things we do in our househould (or as a family)...a list by Ashley

you may or may not want to do these :)
1. We watch Lost...religiously...and then discuss it
2. We pile all of our clean laundry in our bedroom until we just can't stand it anymore and finally fold about 12 loads. We are pretty good about washing but we are horrible about folding!
3. We read the Bible and do a devotion right before bedtime.
4. We play with toys...all day long
5. We walk around the block. I wish we did this everyday but some days it just isn't possible
6. We cook. I also wish we did this everyday but we don't. My goal is to come up with about 10-12 recipes that we LOVE and want to eat so that we can stop wasting money at Quiznos.
7. We grocery shop. B goes to do bread pull up (at WM of course) and we start the shopping and then when he's finished he joins us. I would hate to go by myself!
8. We sit outside on our deck. Not for hours or anything but sometimes just a few minutes in the afternoon and talk about our days.
9. We change diapers...many diapers...again, all day long
10. We read. This varies a lot across the board. We read the Bible (see #3) but also I read novels...mostly silly novels...B reads bike magazines and Little Bit gets books read to her. What a life :)
11. We label the baby food. I can't stand those little plastic containers b/c you can't tell what's in them without looking at the top so when I buy it, I use a silver sharpie (it shows up on everything) and write what it is and when it expires (I even write the expiration date on the jars). Maybe that way we'll be able to go through all of them before they ruin.
12. We don't drink milk. I eat milk poured over my frozen yogurt (which I have every night after Little Bit goes to sleep) but neither B nor myself like to drink it. Little Bit, however, will be coaxed into drinking it. We also don't eat vegetables. I literally eat one vegetable--romaine lettuce (and only romaine!!). I hate them. I am going to have to learn to eat them though b/c Little Bit will be coaxed into eating those too.
13. We talk to each other. I think communication is one of the most important things in a relationship so I try to make sure we always make time to talk to each other. Even if it's about nothing.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

why will people not comment...

sometimes i wonder why so many people visit my site but don't comment. i don't think every visit constitutes a comment, nor does every post. but have you looked at my comments lately? it's sad...what's even sadder is that i average 15 visits per day (yes, that's sad in itself) and i only get (maybe) 2 comments. what's funny is that almost everyone knows about th13 so my visits go WAY up on thursday. all of this comes from site meter. i just wish i knew who everyone was :) then i'd haunt your blogs with questions as to why you incessantly visit my site and never comment!! i know you're here tuskegee and notasulga!!!! honestly, this post will probably make people never visit my site again but i love comments...they're what keep me blogging. what's the point in doing this publicly if no one shares in my posts. not everytime...really, just once a week maybe.

onto other things...i will now (not getting paid for it) plug Febreze Noticeables. They are a God send! NO DOUBT! my daugther's poop has gotten more and more smelly so her diaper holder thing has gotten more and more smelly. however, i no longer smell the bad smelly b/c the good smelly hides it! that's right! totally hides it! i recommend the "morning walk and cleansing rain" scent...oh it's wonderful!
--must clean now

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Where I'm From...this is a hard post and could go on for AGES!!!!

I'm from sandboxes, piers, corks (not bobbers), fishing poles, popsicles in plastic wrappers that mom had to cut the top off of, hand-me down clothes, from Pop Tarts, Pop Rocks, and Coca Cola in bottles. I am from a small house that was actually a trailer (I had no idea until about 6 years ago), with a carport, from the smell of grass being cut, lakewater (dead fish), and wet sand from my sandbox that I could never remember to keep the lid on. I am from the lake, from jetskis, kneeboarding, and attempting to ski (what a disaster), from being the only kid on the street for many years, people moving next door, and then being related to my next door neighbors (2 sisters and a brother), from japanese maples, buttercups, rows of muskedine vines, the snakes Dad shot while they were swimming in the water, little baby frogs that lived in the leaves next to our fence and the big magnolia tree outside the house. I am from the rabbits and quails my dad used to raise and then serve me (while telling me I was eating chicken). I am from barefoot walks down an older road (not asphalt but that stuff with rocks sticking up out of it) and playing softball by the streetlight late at night. I am from opening Mom and Dad's gifts on Christmas Eve and then getting up in the middle of the night to open Santa's presents, from my blue eyes from my dad, my mouth from my mom, and my hair...we're not sure. I am from my stepdad who I got my relentless attitude toward people being polite and not disrespectful, my stepmom who watched me many many times when my dad was working, my childhood best friend skye who always had to be right, from my cat Alf, my dog Cuddles, and my bird Sunshine (who could say "pretty girl"). I am from "hindsight is 20/20" and "lick your calf over," from "i love you," "God," and "never scream while you're swimming in the lake." I am from Christianity, from the United Methodist Church as a child and a Baptist church as a teenager. I am from being saved in Sunday school as a child and thankful for that! I am from Sunday night dinners, Wednesday night youth group, musicals, traveling to other churches to perform, and getting hugs from everyone in our church. I am from the south, with collard greens, fried chicken, corn bread, blackeyed peas, chocolate pie, and sweet tea. I am from southern drawls, redneck trucks, cowtipping and mudriding (I don't participate but SOOOO many people here do). I am from summer...3 seasons out of the year, summer bugs, summer rain, summer storms, summer fun. I am from fishing, from my mom setting her pole down, turning to get something and the pole being snatched off of the pier. I am from Disney World when my mom and dad took me. I was 4 and we went to Venice Beach first and picked up shark's teeth and then to Disney World and Sea World. I am from Gatlinburg, staying in a chalet on the top of one of the mountains and my stepdad letting me ride with my mom up the skylift b/c I was scared. I am from telling my stepdad that MY seat was the front seat and he could sit in the back. I am from denting my mom's car playing softball with my stepdad and having fire drills so I wouldn't be scared to sleep in my bedroom on the 2nd floor of the house. I am from July Fest and getting my face painted and from the Ice Cream socials at the volunteer fire department. I am from Bonnie and Clyde (literally--I'm related), England and my lost great great (a million times more) relative, and Ireland. I am from having a job at 15 and working for most things I wanted but having everything I needed, from cleaning my room (all the time), doing dishes, laundry, and cleaning the pool. I am from my husband who has been my faithful companion in marriage for 3 1/2 years and dating 2 1/2 years before that. I am from my grandmother who loved me more than I'll ever know and who "thought the sun rose and set" on me and from being told that at her funeral. I am from her buying me Hardee's hamburgers, having dinner ready for me when I got off the bus, her asking me if I had "got my lessons up," and then her letting me watch what I wanted on TV. I am from my family and how much they mean to me. I am from love. Forever love. Strong and Real love.


what a weekend!! Little Bit has been a major challenge!! Attachment issues are one thing...just plain screaming at everyone but Mommy--totally different! B's little cousin's graduation party was last night. I'd say there were 40ish people there but it isn't a very big house so we were all kinda crammed in together. I just basically felt like I was in the way the whole time. We only stayed an hour and a half and we were doing good to make it that long! B's sister came and grabbed Little bit as SOON as we pulled up and ran off with her and by the time we made it to the door, she was crying. Then his mom wanted to see her and she started crying again and from that point on, everyone that looked at her made her cry (except Super Mommy of course). My heart says "I love you too, my precious angel." My mind says "please please please let someone else hold you b/c my arm is breaking and everyone is going to think I sit at home with pictures and coach you in screaming at these people." Finally I went into the living room (there was no one in there) and she was a totally different baby. She was smiley and happy but then B's sister came in there and got in her face again and it just got her worked up. I know she wants Little Bit to love her and I'm sure eventually she will but geez! She gets in her face and makes this WOOOOOO noise and I don't think Little Bit really likes people all in her space. Finally, I said "that's it...let's go" and of course then she stops crying. Well, then B's mom grabs her and she freaks out again. It really is a no-win situation. I know they mean well but I wish people would just leave her alone once I get her quieted down. B's dad did the best thing. He got her at one point and just tried to get her out of my sight and entertain her with something else. That meant a lot to me that he just tried. B's mom just kept saying "well, my own grandbaby won't even come to me!" I bet I heard that 20 times but ya know, if she'd just come see her occassionally maybe she would go to her! She works at a nursery and one of her little ones was at the party and when she got there she grabbed her and said "well, my grandbaby won't come see me but I know you will." Maybe her grandbaby don't want to go see her b/c when her grandbaby was born, she said about 50 times that her grandbaby was "no fun" and that her kids and nursery were "more fun." I wouldn't want to go see her either. OH! and why do people insist on calling kids with 2 names by just one? ok, to be fair...if I don't know you that well, I might expect it, but when you're a grandparent? You know your grandchild's name (or maybe that's another reason your grandbaby doesn't want to go to you). Let's just say Little Bit's name really is Little Bit...for the last 3 or 4 times we've seen B's family (mom and sister anyway) they have just called her Little. we SPECIFICALLY spelled her name as all one word so people wouldn't do that. Too bad we thought about that so hard. We could've saved that effort for other things! OK...i'm going to try not to write about B's family on here anymore. I really have to learn to let these things go. I hate that I feel this way and I know I need to let it go. It is sin for me to harbor these feelings. Onto something else...

Sunday school this morning: I left Little Bit in the nursery. I told them to come and get me by 10:15 if she hadn't stopped crying (it was about 9:30ish). at 10:45 is said "woohoo! she must be ok." i proceeded to the nursery to feed her and take her into worship service with us and heard her screaming before i got near the room!! I mean SCREAMING! The director of the nursery stopped me before I got to the room and said "are you just checking on her or are you getting her?" I was getting her but I don't like that I was asked that either b/c they don't want you checking on them if they're upset b/c it makes them worse but doggoneit (how redneck am I) if i want to check on my child and then leave her, it's my perogative. I pushed her out! Anyway, they claimed that she hadn't been screaming the whole time but a good friend of mine was teaching a 4 yr. old sunday school and heard her (a good ways away) and said they had tried everything to get her quiet. I was a little agitated to say the least. I don't mind her crying a little. It's normal for babies to cry some but not that kind of screaming--inconsolable and snubbing (that noise everyone makes when they've been crying really hard for a long time). She had even started to break out in hives from it. I wish they'd just do what I ask. I'm her mother, I know what I want for my child. They kept saying "well, she's not hurting...she's fine." Yes, I know she's not hurting physically but geez! she's been crying for over an hour! I understand they are just trying not to interrupt us but I would've stayed for sunday school...she just would've joined us. *sigh* I love Sunday school. I don't want to not go. Any Suggestions?

i wrote this yesterday but blogger was down so it is just now getting posted

she is so so cranky! i don't really know why. i think prunes have helped the constipation issue. it took a few days but things seem to be better (thank God for that). but now she is just cranky. on the up side of things, she slept GREAT last night!!!!!!! all night!!!! woo hoo! she may have worn herself out crying though b/c her evening wasn't so great. we had one of my friends and her fiance over for dinner and me and my friend were sitting in the floor playing with little bit when she hit herself in the face. she was already cranky anyway but that made it worse. so i went to her room and was going to nurse her but she didn't want to do that. so we sat in her room playing and she had a baby einstein bell (that is a bit bulky and hard honestly) and slapped herself in the mouth with it. at first i just said "it's're fine" and i guess she believed me b/c she stopped crying and stuck the bell back in her mouth. then she pulled it out and there was blood. so we had to stop that and she did NOT like it! then we gave her a different toy and she hit herself in the eye. it turned red all around it and started watering (although she was crying pretty hard so maybe that was from the crying) and then (b/c she was crying so hard) she broke out in hives. has anyone else's kid done that? she seems to break out in hives if she's in the sun or gets to hot or cries hard. so maybe she has a headache...or mouthache...bless her heart!

we have to go b's little cousins graduation party (high school grad) tonight. i know there will be good food (they always have good food) but from what i understand there have been about 100 people invited and i'd bet about half of them are her friends. plus all of b's family will be there. it should be interesting if nothing else.

the baby calls

Saturday, May 20, 2006

my poor Little Bit

she is so so cranky! i don't really know why. i think prunes have helped the constipation issue. it took a few days but things seem to be better (thank God for that). but now she is just cranky. on the up side of things, she slept GREAT last night!!!!!!! all night!!!! woo hoo! she may have worn herself out crying though b/c her evening wasn't so great. we had one of my friends and her fiance over for dinner and me and my friend were sitting in the floor playing with little bit when she hit herself in the face. she was already cranky anyway but that made it worse. so i went to her room and was going to nurse her but she didn't want to do that. so we sat in her room playing and she had a baby einstein bell (that is a bit bulky and hard honestly) and slapped herself in the mouth with it. at first i just said "it's're fine" and i guess she believed me b/c she stopped crying and stuck the bell back in her mouth. then she pulled it out and there was blood. so we had to stop that and she did NOT like it! then we gave her a different toy and she hit herself in the eye. it turned red all around it and started watering (although she was crying pretty hard so maybe that was from the crying) and then (b/c she was crying so hard) she broke out in hives. has anyone else's kid done that? she seems to break out in hives if she's in the sun or gets to hot or cries hard. so maybe she has a headache...or mouthache...bless her heart!

we have to go b's little cousins graduation party (high school grad) tonight. i know there will be good food (they always have good food) but from what i understand there have been about 100 people invited and i'd bet about half of them are her friends. plus all of b's family will be there. it should be interesting if nothing else.

the baby calls

Thursday, May 18, 2006

see if we're compatible...i wasn't at all to the person who i got the link from

I just took the Movie Compatibility Test (MCT) at I would like you to come take the test to find out if you two share similar taste in movies.

Flixster is a simple web site that lets you share movie ratings with friends and connect with people that share similar movie taste to you.

Hope you like the site.

Team Flixster (Joe & Saran)

2 posts for tt is a little further down

here is an email i got from my lovely sister-in-law (the same one who burped in my child's face a few posts earlier):

whatz up...where are my baby's pictures from the beach? I know ya'll stay busy and don't have time to piss much less get on the computer... just whenever you have time, but before ya'll go to the beach again... On a different note.. Keep May 28th evening open. I'm cooking for B's, Dad's, and Corbin's B-day that evening...If dad doesn't have a trip. I'll get back with ya'll later on this....

first of all, how rude????!!!! geez...and 2nd of all, thanks for asking if we had anything going on on the 28th. i really appreciate knowing that my thoughts and opinions mean something when we're planning stuff. oh...and the "my baby" part...whatever!!!!! she screams everytime you get near her. i hardly think she's "your baby." b's mom says that too "there's my baby..." ok...sure, you've seen her a total of 5 times in her life and she's "your baby?" deluded i tell you...deluded. they aren't my favorite

Thirteen Random Thoughts of Ashley

1. Little Bit stayed with her grandparents for a short amount of time last night and didn't cry. This both excites me and terrifies me. It is nice not having to worry as much that she is screaming; however, independence is coming fast!! I figured out that in 6 months if I have nursed her 5 times a day, then I have nursed 900 times. I know it is more than that though b/c she was waking up at night for awhile and I think we used to nurse about 6 times during the day. I won't get to do that 500 more times with her though b/c I plan to be done by 12 months (not to mention she is quickly deciding solid food is great stuff)
2. On that same note--time is passing too too too fast!! It is almost JUNE!! It was just Christmas and now the year is almost half over!! How do you slow it down?
3. Lost is a great show but I am tired of the unanswered questions. Come on guys!!
4. I want to meet Ellen Degeneres. I want to go to her show. I think she's great!
5. I have my breastfeeding group today. I love my group. It is SO nice to get together with the people who totally understand what I am going through. It is funny that I have been nursing for almost 7 months now and I'm still going to a support group :)
6. Little Bit is playing with her wipes. Am I a bad mom? Anything in the house that I don't feel is a choking/hurting hazard I basically let her play with. Her eyes just light up everytime I find something new for her. I love that look but can't afford new toys everyday!
7. I am trying to stop going to Starbucks. The problem with this is that B gave me a giftcard for Mother's Day. I think I may have Starbucks today...just to start using the card, you see. I don't want to make him feel bad :)
8. I read that if Little Bit is trying to get a toy, I shouldn't just give it to her but let her try and get it herself. It is so hard not to just bump it a little so she can easily reach it. At the same time, I'd like her to be a bit independent (totally contradicting #1).
9. I have a dr's appt tuesday about this thing in my face (supposedly a lymph node). Please pray!!
10. I have a firehouse sub in the fridge that I am absolute DYING for! I would eat it now but then I won't have anything for lunch.
11. In the middle of the night (or early morning) when Little Bit needs to eat, I sit in a chair in her room. There's a little wall right when you come in her room that her nightlight is on but from my chair you can't see around the wall to see the door. My cat will walk around through the door and cast a HUGE shadow and scare me. everytime.
12. i just had to go change a diaper. I think Little Bit may be constipated. suggestions?
13. B and I shredded about 8 bags of stuff this week. Junk that we've had for about 5 years. I felt accomplished when I got finished with that. We also got the office to looking a little more...organized. Now if we could just sell the house.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

one of these days i'm going to start carrying a notebook with me in the diaper bag (b/c i'm a mommy so i don't have a purse anymore) and writing down all of the wonderful ideas for topics i have for my blog. i always think of the greatest things and then when it is showtime, i have nothing...stagefright...typefright??

i seem to have fallen out with all of my pre-baby friends. it kinda stinks. a lot. i love my new friends but there's nothing like a good conversation or a good chocolate stampede with friends who know everything about you. my best friend sent me a card for mother's day that was so so so sweet! i adored it but it made the comment that "we can't do things together like we did before." in all actuality, a lot of the time, that is true but she doesn't even try to get together with me anymore. i mean, i've called her and her b/f up and asked them to dinner a number of times, i have asked her to come shopping with me, etc. but she never asks to do anything with me. i wonder if she feels like she is intruding or if she just doesn't want to be bothered with a baby tagging along. if that's the case, though, she sure does make a big deal about little bit whenever she is around. i asked her not too terribly long ago if we had done something to make her and pat mad at us and she claimed we hadn't but i have my doubts. she has also fibbed a little here recently about some going ons and i don't understand that either. do i sound like a high school girl? i still am at heart. anyway though she isn't the only one. i basically had 3 girlfriends before little bit came along and now i hardly talk to any of them. i feel like i make an effort to still call them, etc but maybe not. maybe i've changed. maybe people can't deal with babies. maybe their lives are too busy now and i don't know that b/c we never talk. sometimes i wish i wasn't a people person but i just can't get motivated or energized unless i'm with people.

pictures went great last night!! i was so proud. i can't wait to see the proofs!! beautiful little girl :) going to entertain my mom now.

Monday, May 15, 2006

my coffee cup

i'm being supermom today!!

thus far i have--gone to walmart where i intended to grocery shop but ran into a friend and talked for 30 minutes and decided since i need to keep little bit on her schedule for today (since we're having pictures tonight) i'd just take my cat food and oj and go home, taken a pregnancy test (i am EXTREMELY emotional right now. i literally BURST into tears twice yesterday and i have never done that except when i was pregnant) but thankfully it was negative, fought the brigade of ants that has no doubt decided to carry my house off with them, paid my bills (the little stupid ones i always forget about--like dr. bills), vacuumed, washed 2 loads of clothes, sorted out little bit's outgrown clothes, finished loading the dishwasher, and read a few blogs. i feel accomplished and it isn't even 3pm. however, i have probably been running off of a sugar high since the only thing i've eaten today are my mother's day brownies :) who has time to cook??

how was everyone's mother's day? mine was ok (refer to the bursting into tears mentioned above). i'll leave it at that.

we had a storm come through on saturday night that scared the BE JEEZ US out of me!! literally. my mom called and said bad weather was near but the radar showed it going north of us and we were under no watch so i figured we'd be safe in our little shoebox. i was wrong. i had just finished nursing little bit to put her to bed and decided i didn't want her in her room b/c it was windy (there's a big tree right next to her) so b had set up the pack-n-play but the walk to the living room stimulated her so i was sitting on the couch getting her to go back to sleep and it got really really really really windy and started hailing. b was in the bedroom so i said "b (husband's actual name though)...b..." he basically started running through the house and was like "get up now and get to the utility room." well, i grabbed his hand and started praying and then ran to the utility room and called my mom and got her to pray (it is still raining/hailing/winding, etc) and then it was like it was all gone and over with. the power blinked once or twice but no big deal. the underpinning on our house looks like someone started at one end and just shoved it to the other end. scary scary scary!! my neighbors have a fireplace and their stack thing blew off of their house. i am scared of storms anyway but when my husband gets scared i REALLY freak out b/c he NEVER gets scared!! there's my weekend drama.

we went to dinner with my in-laws on saturday before the storm. my husband's sister *jane (name changed) was a real doll (not really). she burped in my child's face. not a little polite "oops that slipped out" but a man burp. in her face. she was already screaming b/c jane was aggravating her and she doesn't really like that so maybe jane thought burping would solve the problem. she was wrong. and nasty. i love my in-laws (not really).

supermom has more to do.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

i forgot today was thursday...

Thirteen favorite foods of Ashley

1. Chicken fingers and french fries (by far my fave)
2. Chocolate chocolate chocolate (any and every kind)...brownies w/ chocolate icing, ice cream, chocolate stampede (from longhorn), chocolate chocolate chocolate
3. Popcorn made in a skillet
4. Graham crackers w/ peanut butter
5. Granola Bars
6. Lasagna
7. Spaghetti
8. Turkey burgers (these took awhile to grow on me but i really like them)
9. Chicken dressing
10. Baked lays (any variety)
11. Italian salad dressing Chicken
12. Poppy seed chicken casserole
13. Steak (rare) with a baked potato
14. Caesar salads
15. hmmmm...i'm a picky eater and i'm really running out of things...chicken noodle soup...ymmmmm

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sleepy time...

evidentally babies sleep like this. i had no idea. there is a picture of me like this when i was a child and this i guess confirms that other kids do it too (look at the may 2nd post). speaking of this blog this kid is STRONG!! look through some of these pictures. my little bit's feet are a bit "unique" so she can't lift herself up yet (not by herself anyway) but this kid is only 4 days older than mine and WOW! i'm impressed! maybe a little einstein there.

not much to write about today. little bit is becoming more and more temperamental by the day. today she was trying to grab my keys out of my hand as i was putting her in the car and when i took my hand away (with my keys in it) she screamed so loud that i thought i had hurt her. when i put my hand back (with the keys), she stopped. she's so silly. she also (on saturday night) got upset with me b/c i told her no. i've been wondering when she'd realize that this isn't a funny word. she likes to pull the pad in her high chair around her face when she's eating and she ends up with food on it and her and me and everything else so i've gotten to where i stop her and tell her no. she didn't like it. she protested...loudly...and wouldn't eat anymore. i have a tendency to lose my appetite if i get upset about something so i guess she gets it honestly.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Jesus Take the Wheel

i haven't written a good post in about a week now. sorry to those few readers i have!! things have been going nonstop for me! i've got a site meter on my blog now and i have to say--i could look at it a million times a day!! the only thing i hate is that i can't see WHO people are (just where they're from). it makes me want to know more about them. i'm a naturally inquisitive person and it kills me to want to know something that i can't. there you go--that's my weakness. on the upside of things though it is cool to see that people from all over the world (literally) are looking at your blog.

my little bit cried through nursery (sunday school) yesterday. i hate leaving her in the nursery! she has major attachment issues and i know that they try their best to not interrupt your class but i specifically asked them to come get me if she wouldn't stop crying. when i picked her up an hour and 15 minutes later she was red faced and snubbing (that breathing they do after hard crying). i was a little perturbed that no one came and got me. i love sunday school and i don't want to stop going but i don't want her crying the whole time. i know she needs to learn that i can leave her but she's too young to understand that yet!!

speaking of sunday school...we had a social tonight. it was at a BEAUTIFUL farm nearby! so so so so pretty!! but i'm a little confused about our sunday school class. i walked up on one conversation that went something like this: (preacher's son and his 5 year old daughter and other nameless guy are talking)
nameless guy (to the daughter): Can you say "beer"..."beer?"
me (thinking): Maybe he said "deer"
preacher's son: "Bud Light?"
me (thinking): Definitely not a type of deer

is this church approved talk? i mean, i know we weren't at church but at a social? i was a little confused! a lot confused. makes me wonder about changing sunday school classes. i'm not saying you should/shouldn't drink but i definitely don't think (as Christians) we should be teaching our 5 years olds "bud light."

i'll write more later!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

thursday thirteen

13 Favorite Things ofAshley

1. The saving grace of Jesus Christ
2. My family and friends
3. My television shows: Friends, Lost, Will and Grace, Real World (I hate the drama, etc. on this show but I can't stop watching it)
4. My stuffed animal Harry and my blanket (I still sleep with them every night)
5. My cats Quincy and Gracee
6. Sunkist, Diet Rite, decaf Sweet Tea, and Tropicana OJ
7. Starbucks Lite Mocha Frappuccino with vanilla syrup and no whip
8. Ellen Degeneres
9. Marble Slab Creamery's Peanut Butter (or chocholate PB) ice cream and brownies with this homemade icing that my friend Andi gave me the recipe for...yuuuuummmmmm (really just the icing--notsomuch the brownies)!!!
10. My bed
11. My daughter's laugh
12. Swimming and reading
13. New York City and Cococay Bahamas

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